Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa Could Get Back Together

Amber Rose and Wiz

The couple tied the knot in 2013 after two years of dating. But Rose, 32, filed for divorce after 14 months of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences. She and Khalifa, 28, now share custody of their son Sebastian, 2. In spite of their split, the exes maintain a close relationship. “It’s so crazy that we are literally the best of friends,” Rose told Bethenny Frankel on SiriusXM’s B Real With Bethenny Wednesday. “We hang out all the time. We have family days with the baby.”

Sebastian isn’t the only reason the model and the rapper are still in each other’s lives, though. “We just went out to a strip club the other night together—without the baby. Just me and Wiz,” she said. “We had a great time. We spent like [$30,000] on strippers. It was sick. It was so cool.”

If the former flames are such good friends and share so many commonalities, why did they split in the first place? “I feel like that we just rushed into marriage because we were so deeply in love, and we kind of had a rough patch in our marriage. And because we were married, it kind of like brought it to the next level,” Rose said. “I feel like if we just stayed in just a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship longer, we could have worked it out and then got married later.”

“You could always go back,” Frankel suggested. “You never know.”

“I just feel like right now he should go be a ho for a while and work on his businesses, and then maybe later we can get back,” Rose responded. “If God wants us together, we will be together.”

From her lips to God’s ears.