MEN: 10 Things You Shouldn’t Tell Your Girlfriend About


Can’t keep secrets from your girl? Well, while that’s heartwarming, there are things that are best left unsaid for the sake of your relationship!

It’s better to have a cork in your mouth than your foot, don’t you think?

Communication and trust are the cornerstones of a healthy, happy relationship. As a couple, you should both be able to openly and honestly talk about how your day went, your fears, your past, and your plans for the future. But is that always the case. So before you put yourself in hot water by not watching what you say, we give you a list of things that you should NEVER tell your girlfriend.

#1 She put too much salt in the casserole. Avoid finding fault in the nice things she does for you, even if it’s a glaring mistake. Whether she put too much bleach on your favorite shirt and it’s now a curious shade of gray instead of blue, or she prepared your favorite dish all wrong, don’t go around pointing all this out before even showing your appreciation for the hard work she put into hoping to please you.

#2 Her mother is a very nosy lady. Her mother might be irritating, conniving, and sneaky—she doesn’t like you even if you try your best to show your good intentions. But the thing is, to her, her parents are the best, kindest people ever. If you tell her anything negative about her parent or any member of her family, she will always be on their side, so better keep your thoughts to yourself.

#3 You cheated on your ex. Okay, you were a douchebag in the past and made a lot of mistakes you’re not proud of. But now you have a girlfriend and a clean slate, so don’t bring up your past indiscretions, or you’ll leave her doubting your fidelity and the relationship all the time.

#4 We used to go to this place. Another big no-no to tell your girl is the nitty-gritty of what was great about your past relationship. Even if she asks about it, it’s all a ploy, so you better keep your lips sealed. Likewise, don’t talk about how your last relationship sucked.

 #5 Gary has been seeing another woman. It’s common for many couples to share juicy gossip about their friends. Often, men are as much of a gossiper as any woman. However, it’s totally uncool to share about your friend cheating on his wife or girlfriend because she might end up not liking your friends and not wanting you to hang out with them.

#7 You’re scared too. While it’s nice to be open about your fears in life, try not to dabble on your little-boy fears. When your girlfriend tells you that she’s afraid of spiders or needles, don’t blurt out that you’re scared too. She tells you her fears because she wants you to be there for her and protect her, so if you tell her you have the same fears and do nothing to help her, she’s less likely to count on you anymore for her other fears.

#8 You are subscribed. To porn. In fact, you stay up late at night to watch porn. It’s one thing to watch porn from time to time *or even with her,* but it’s another to pay for it and watch it on a regular basis a la Don Jon. While you’re great in bed because of all the moves you learned from the tube, you shouldn’t share your porn addiction with your girlfriend.

#9 You’re a 27 man. Even if you’re very proud of your sexual conquests, you should never EVER tell your girlfriend about your number. It may be okay to brag about this to your friends, but to your girlfriend, your total number will always add up to 5 or more, whether you told her the truth or not. To give her some peace of mind, just give her a decent *small, very small* number and leave out your drunken hookups and one-night stands.

#10 You want to have sex. There’s nothing more that can kill the mood faster that announcing, “I want to have sex.” This isn’t the Stone Age, so have some finesse. Likewise, you’re not in a restaurant with your girlfriend waiting for you, as you say, “I want to have some nookie with a little foreplay on the side.” Get to the foreplay already!