By Stevoh Zinunula
Details continue to emerge on how Desire Luzinda’s snow white revealing dress ended up on former Miss Uganda Phiona Bizzu’s body at the Abryans style and Fashion ceremony.
EnewsUg broke a story of how Desire Luzinda attacked Bizzu for wearing her dress.
However reliable sources have told us that its not Bizzu who stole the dress but Brenda Nanyonjo, the Miss Uganda beauty pegeant Organiser.
Desire says that after using the dress on her concert, she took it to a one designer Lilian’s store for safety because it would be hard keep such a kind of dress at her home.
Over the weekend ,she was suprised to see photos of Phiona Bizzu clad in her dress.When she contacted Lilian for explanations, Lilian further referred her to Brenda Nanyonjo who also referred her to Bizzu.
Lilian and Brenda are partners in the fashion business and that is how she got access into the store for the dress.
We shall Keep you posted.