PICTURES: Arua turns yellow as Bebe Cool visits on NRM campaign trail


At least, we can now tell you that Arua turned red when and after Bobi Wine visited during MP Wadri’s campaigns 2 years ago, however, today Bebe Cool, a known NRM diehard was in Arua and collected a mammoth crowd. Clad in Yellow, the crowd matched along with Bebe Cool as he traversed the city asking people to vote for the ruling party NRM.

Chanting “NRM Oyee” the crowd followed Bebe Cool pledging loyalty to the ruling party. This however has left many wondering if the people of Arua camouflage considering Bobi Wine got a sizeable crowd when he last paid a visit.

Political analysts have however told the website both candidates have their crowds. “While young people come to see Bobi Wine as an artiste and new political figure, there are also staunch NRM diehards who have seen Arua transform from the Konyi haunted one to a now peaceful district and those people do not wand to go back where they habe been”

Bebe Cool was with fellow artistes Big Eye, Catherine Kusasira and Coco Finger.

Here are some moments incase you missed out;