Ugandan Cabinet Fails Cannabis (Marijuana) Growing


Ugandan Cabinet Fails Cannabis (Marijuana) Growing

1.Cabinet delays to approve Cannabis Guidelines (white paper)

2.Already a few Cabbinet members have intrest siding with other companies.

3.The Cannabis Project was expected to create 100,000 jobs in the Country so the Marijuana Project will be Under the Table till.

4.Some Companies are already Growing illegally before Government Legalization at Large.

Marijuana Licensed companies

1. Industrial Hemp (U) Ltd
2. Together Pharma Ltd

Applied pending licence

3. Natgro Phama (U) Ltd
4. Medraw (U) SMC Ltd
5. Urban Properties (U) Ltd
6. Prime Ranchers
7. Silver Seeds (U) Ltd
8. Dave and Dave Group
9. Seven Blades
10. Cannops Africha
11. Quest Worths International Group
12. Premier Hemp
13.Sativa Agro-tech Ltd
14. Zeus Agro Ltd
15.Owesia U Ltd