Ugandan Lesbian couple nudes leak

Commercial model Jemimah Mbekeka (in white towel) with lesbian lover who allegedly leaked their nudes

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Uganda as a country has many a time, spelled it’s vehement ‘NO’ stance on lesbianism, and all things LGBT. Yet every now and then, cases of lesbianism spring up. Lesbians, especially, are growing bolder. Their feuds are no longer behind the curtains. They have made it to main stream media and social media, with many exposing each other’s dirty line. One of the victims of a relationship gone is commercial model, Jemimah Mbekeka.

Gossip reaching this desk has it that the super model, renowned for dating and breaking up with a fleet of fellow girls is in hot soup. This after her latest break up yielded more than a heart break. Her ex, only known as Sarah has taken to harming her reputation. Sources relay that after a bitter split up, when Jemimah suspected Sarah of cheating, Jemimah decided to fly to the USA for a peace of mind. A stance that hasn’t sat well with Sarah.

“She has taken to releasing intimate photos of them together. She has started circulating photos of she and Jemimah’s intimate moments,” relayed a close friend.

Efforts to reach Jemimah have since been futile, as after establishing the turmoil in her life, she is only answering known phone calls. When Sarah was contacted however, she said she lost her phone and that is how the pictures might have gotten to the media.