EXPOSED: Meet the man who enjoys Ann Kansiime’s sister, Shine Omukiga

 By our writer
We all always bring you exclusive news, thank God you read it first from here. The man responsible for planting the mastered seed inside Ann Kansiime’s sister has be exposed. Upcoming coming singer and a young sister to profound comedian Anne Kansime, shine Omukiga’s romantic secrets finally leaked. Our Snoops confirm to us that The singer is in love with fellow Singer G Young of the Niiwe song, a song that is steadily picking up on most air waves around Kampala.
Our sources confirm that the two have been seeing each other secretly and the last time they were sighted together was at lake View Hotel in Mbarara last Friday. Shine Omukiga has always been such a spender in Night clubs parting with a lot of Girl friends and spending on them leaving revelers wonder where she gets all this money. Well, now our curiosity is over now as its confirmed the G Young is the man behind funding shine Omukiga. Good luck to the couple.
Singer G
G Young, Shine Omukiga’s lover