While speaking to her fans on her Youtube channel, veteran TV Presenter Flavia Namulindwa who who worked at Bukedde TV revealed how singer Bebe Cool wanted her fired from her postion as a presenter
According to Flavia, while still an intern at the vison group TV Station, she was asked to sit in for Miles Rwamiti who was unwell and during that show, she broke news about inside wars in Gagamel crew, a group that belonged to Bebe Cool a thing the singer didn’t take lightly who later called her bosses and asked them to fire her for spreading false news
Howerever Flavia wasn’t moved since she had had her trusted sources who was Eighton who was one of the singers in Gagamel
Eventually however, Namulindwa and the Gagamel Entertainment boss became close friends and he became very supportive of her career.
When she started her own dance troupe, “Dance & Beats Cultural Group” as a side hustle, she says, Bebe Cool was one of her first clients, hiring her dancers to feature on his 2016 hit ‘Kabulengane.’
At the time of her retirement from Bukedde TV in 2020, Namulindwa had become a household name through some of her beloved shows at the station including “Oluyimba lwo,” “Ekyenkya,” “Full Doze