Bobi Wine: There are many songs I regret writing, but ‘Mr Kataala’ is not one of them.

Bobi Wine has revealed that he has backlog of songs that he isn’t particularly proud of. 
Looking back, he admitted that he was “young, angry, and quite unruly,” and that some of his music was regrettable.
I was an errant artist remember,” said the singer and opposition politician in a recent interview. “I was saying it as it is, including words and statements that everyone else was afraid to say. Some of those songs, I am not proud of today.”

But there is one song he doesn’t feel sorry about, and that is the diss-track ‘Mr Kataala’ which came out at the height of his vicious beef with fellow artist Bebe Cool.

Asked by Stella Nandawula in BBS’ Mubuwuufu program this week, on whether he regretted the vitriol and profanity-laced song, Bobi Wine responded, “…no, that one I don’t.”

“Mr Kataala” is arguably one of Wine’s crudest songs. It opens with the F-bomb in its first seven seconds.