Desire Luzinda sends heart warming and sincere advice to fellow musicians


Desire Luzinda is a Ugandan born artiste, Now based in America where she is living with her Daughter, Mitchell Kaddu. Ms. Luzinda sings in Luganda, English, and Swahili. Now a born Again, Desire Luzinda will forever be known for her viral nudes that were leaked by her Nigerian ex lover.

However, the singer earlier on today came out and shared a heart warming and sincere advice message to her fellow artistes;


This goes out to my FELLOW Musicians;
You are tired, worn out, depressed and distressed. Indulging in what you think makes you happy when your heart keeps sinking in misery. The competition to stay afloat, keeping up appearance is draining you…

I am excited about what’s yet to happen in your lives. I am praying while watching you.
As I watch, we have a God that watches over us. He is speaking to your hearts. Listen to that voice.
Some of you are gonna give your lives to God, “Wuuu” I scream in praise! Halllllelujjjjah!

In the event, listen to your heart. Do not hold back. Do not hold it back ! Do not frustrate the spirit of counsel. The time is now ! Do not worry about finances. My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus [Phillipinas 4:19] The trajectory of the gospel industry has changed.

You are coming to a life of abundance, a life of rest, a life of peace. Do not hold back, simply give your life to God. He loves you just the way you are. He is ready to transform you into something you ever and NEVER imagined ! All you have to do is surrender”