Sanyu FM Management finally comes out about ‘Fat Boy’ and other staff


A number of Sanyu FM Staff have been striking over salary related issues, reliable information has revealed that James Onen alias Fat Boy was behind all the drama.

The staff have been striking for days over 25% salary cut which has forced Sudhir Ruparella, the company boss to sack all the radio employees including Fat Boy who has been at the station for over 20 years.

The fired staff went ahead to blow their horns and threatened to take legal action against the radio’s management for unfair dismissal.

Rajiv further revealed that a section of workers had regretted their actions and begged him to return to work which he allowed.

“Our workers were misled by selfish Fat Boy. But some have since returned and tomorrow, you will hear the girl who was working with Fat Boy on air working with co-host Salvador,” Rajiv said.

He further clarified that Sudhir Ruparella never fired anyone but the workers themselves laid off their tools.

“Let’s correct the narrative. Dr.Sudhir Ruparelia didn’t fire any one, they chose to lay down tools because management proposed just a 25% cut off salaries for obvious reasons, the rest of the world is aware, only Sanyu Fm staff are not, I think. But this is Fat Boy at work, he just misled our whole beloved staff, he is so selfish. He can’t even see that bigger brands in the industry have sent many workers home and those that have remained have had their salaries cut up to 50%. For us we’ve just said 25%, and even this has come after how long? Don’t you think that even what they had made before has now been spent on them and other expenses already?” Rajiv said.