Historical 120Bn Case Commercial Court Ruling To Save Uganda Billions Lost in Unsupervised Syndicated Loans.


The recently concluded commercial court ruling in the Ham Enterprises Vs DTB
Uganda and DTB Kenya where court ordered Diamond Trust Bank to pay Ham
Enterprises all the monies that were illegally and fraudulently debited from the
company accounts with an interest of 8% as penalty for the illegalities. This means
that Diamond Trust Bank was ordered to pay Ugx 129.6 Billion Shillings and Legal
Fees to Ham Enterprises.

The commercial court ruling has sent such a great signal in the direction of
Uganda finally gaining her economic independence that has been for long serving
interests of foreigners over Ugandans. This historical ruling has left many bankers
in the Ugandan Banking sector panicking that illicit financing (syndicated loans)
could be declared illegal in Uganda, a rumor being propagated by officials from
the Uganda Bankers Association as a way of causing panic since their illegalities
have now been exposed by the commercial court ruling. The Uganda Bankers
Association is also impulsively persuading other trade associations to join them in
a cause that under looks the independence of the judiciary through releasing
multiple press releases referring to the commercial court ruling as “RECKLESS”.
The Uganda Bankers Association has also failed to appreciate the decision taken
by the commercial court towards cleaning Uganda’s Banking sector but instead
continued to create unnecessary fear and panic with intentions of blackmailing
and holding the government of Uganda hostage. In a letter written in reply to the
allegations of Uganda Bankers Association by Ham Enterprises and their lawyers
noted that there is no reason why the government of Uganda should be
blackmailed and taken hostage of its own sovereign jurisdiction just because it is
the largest beneficiary of syndicated lending for various projects as in the
Response below.
Here are some facts that came out of the commercial court ruling that we need to
keep our eyes focused on;
The case against DTB Uganda was for the recovery of colossal sums of money in
the amounts of US$ 23M and Ugshs.34Bn. These amounts were unlawfully
debited from Ham Enterprises U Ltd accounts for a period of over nine (9) years.
The High Court rightly entered judgement in favor of Ham Enterprises against DTB
Uganda after it struck out its defense on account of the illegalities which had been
Many Ugandans were left wondering why the Uganda Bankers Association has
not come out to condemn some of its errant members who go against the UBA

core values of integrity, transparency, professionalism, good governance and
service excellence.
The illegalities raised against DTB Uganda and DTB Kenya which they both failed
to counter in the suit were two fold, namely: That DTB Kenya was not licensed to
conduct financial institutions business in Uganda as it did not obtain permission to
do so from the Central Bank of Uganda under S. 117 Financial Institutions Act,
2004 (as amended). Also that DTB Uganda acted in contravention of its license,
the Financial Institutions (Agent Banking) Regulations, 2017 and the Financial
Institutions Act vide S. 126 when it acted as an Agent Bank of DTB Kenya, without
first obtaining approval to do so from the Central Bank of Uganda.
There is no reason why the Government of Uganda which is a sovereign juridical
person should be blackmailed and taken hostage in its own sovereign jurisdiction
just because it is the largest beneficiary of syndicated lending for various projects.
The Government of Uganda has a corresponding duty to respect, protect and
apply the laws of Uganda equally to itself and all players in the Banking sector,
irrespective of whether they are local or foreign lenders.
There is no country in the world which doesn’t regulate syndicated loan
transactions involving foreign banks or lenders. The High Court judgement has
ensured that Uganda takes its place as a responsible member of the global
financial community by adopting and adhering to international lending best
practice. Why should any well intentioned and patriotic Ugandan oppose such a
noble cause?
Monitoring and supervising all syndicated loan facilities in the economy will
greatly reduce the risk of tax avoidance and evasion where Uganda has been
losing billions of shillings. Illicit Finances (Syndicated loans) have been injected
into Uganda’s economy without supervision by Bank of Uganda (BOU) meaning
that even after these loans have accumulated interests Uganda does not benefit

The Entire Uganda Bankers have recently published and declared a total of
UGX15 Billion only as the total of loans disbursed in the Ugandan Economy as per
their half year loan book published in june. Yet they report an illicit finance
(syndicated loan) portfolio of UGX5.7 that was injected into the Ugandan
Economy without approval or regulation by the Central Bank.
This makes the currently taxable financial transactions(Ugx15B) a mere 0.26% of
the entire unreported/untaxed (illegal transactions) of UGX5.7 Trillion in the
Ugandan Economy as reported by Ugandan Bankers.
This arises the biggest question on every Ugandan’s heart that; Can the Uganda
Bankers Association give an account of all taxes payable to the Ugandan treasury
against interest payments remitted on the Illicit Finances (Syndicated loans)
portfolio which they reported to now stand at UGX 5.7 trillion?
Given the fact that the Uganda bankers are doing or abetting business that is not
reported as the cumulative amount of interest payments that go out to the
foreign loans are neither captured nor cited anywhere, Couldn’t the Uganda
Bankers Association be ensuring that the government does not collect the
required tax from the financial transactions that they either handle or go
through them?

The Author is a Kampala Based Financial Analyst.