I don’t have time for failures, Nash Wonder responds to Dembe Fm’s Dj Senior B


       By Waiswa Brian

  It was last Saturday when Dembe Fm’s Dj Senior B was on air and branded Nash Wonder a dead Producer in arrogant statements. The Amaaso, Mudongo hit maker who also doubles as Manager to Singer Sumi Crazy known by the names of Nash Wonders(Wonders Just) of Evolution Magic studios was so hurt by the insults by a radio personality from such a radio to go on insulting him.

Nash Wonder took it on his social media Facebook platform and posted “I don’t believe in cheap popularity and don’t expect to find yours truly in any cheap talk or having a fight with any body my work like in the past will speak though at times you have to advise adults that have nothing to say but to use a well built brand name to have their sorry ass out there. The other day i took time off to listen to radio and its Dembe Fm that i happened to tune into cause of the musical show that was on, it was actually Saturday and it was 10 pm now a certain guy i hear DJ Senior’B insults me by calling me a dead producer”

When we contacted Nash Wonders, he added on “I don’t even know how Dj Senior B looks like but am so disappointed in Dembe Fm’s management who have such a worker who has no respect for fellow humans,One thing I noticed in Uganda is when you rise up others are busy thinking on how to bring you down”. Currently, Nash Wonders manages Singer Sumi Crazy who has a famous ‘Mundayo’ song and she is soon releasing a brand new video by the end of this month.

This must have hurt Nash a lot because we have never heard him in any scuffle with anyone and he has come out about this, he is really hurt. But we hoped that kind of beefing stopped some time back because we are seeing the industry move faster and if such keeps rising again, we shall have a retard in our speed of growth musically.