Kenzo knows the truth about Alex’s death,Kasuku reveals


By our writer

After Alex’s death several rumors went around that Patricia too had passed away not until Singer Kenzo claimed the air when he posted a short clip Video of Patricia who had started responding to medication that was being administered to her at Case Clinic.

Early this morning on his morning show ‘Twezimbe’, Dembe’s Presenter Kasuku was quoted as he gave his side about the incident “Yes  accidents happen though ‘Kenzo knows the truth’ about this whole incident, if he is not involved let him help the families of the Ghetto kids without posting on Facebook and let him help Alex rest in peace, I don’t want to to imagine that this was an Illuminati act “. If Kasuku is denying that he said this,let him present today’s recording of his morning show.

Some months back, Kasuku forged a fake deportation letter about Rema who is Kenzo’s fiance and yesterday he was among the first people to announce Patricia dead though he later deleted the post but we had already took a screenshot of his post on Facebook as seen in the pic below.

kasuku in



















below is the fake deportation letter Kasuku printed in Rema’s names