“Sheila Gashumba takes sides in The Nameere-Nakazibwe War”


By Our Reporter

Justin Nameere is simply a joker! She will spit fire at a rival so that she can cause fire. What a paradox! The battle for a man’s whooper between Justin Nameere and Farifah Nakazibwe seems to be far from over after the two former workmates have had a go at each other again. With a court case between Justin Nameere and Faridah in which the former accuses the later of defamation, the two are tearing each other apart for the sake of a one Dr Umar Ssali’s whooper. 

Nameere has in along video come out to reveal that although she has waited for Faridah Nakazibwe’s apology in vain, she will not age to reveal the Genesis of their conflict. She revealed that Faridah always accused her of starling her conman husband who had duped her that he was a doctor get he wasn’t.

Nameere also revealed in the video that Umar would create fake Face book accounts linked to Nameere and used them to attack Faridah, something that brought the two workmates on a collision course.

Now the lasts we have is that small pencil media personal Sheila Gashumba has also come out to side with Nameere. Sheila says Faridah Nakazibwe should apologize to Justin Nameere.

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I just read this post again and watched the video!! The emotions you have in the video show how much pain you went through!! I’m glad you have shared the truth!! I always say that social media has somehow decided to portray some good people as bad people because so many people are judgmental!!

So many people wouldn’t understand your point or they will think your seeking attention but don’t pay mind to that because it’s 1% of the people here know how it feels for the world to judge you falsely or for someone to make certain accusation.

Unfortunately some of us don’t fight to show the truth but this video will be an example to everyone else in the public eye never to let defamation or accusation go unturned or exposed till the truth is out and it will send out another message to people who come up to accuse others falsely that Karma is a bitch (what goes around, comes back around).

Justin, you are good woman and let no one ever tell you anything less!! And I’m sorry you had to go through this because I know exactly how it feels when someone comes out to publically shame someone!!!

And for Faridah Nakazibwe, I’m sorry you were a victim of a crazy guy who I think needs help and I think if you came out to say your story, it would teach fellow women a lesson or two but nevertheless I think apologizing to Justin Nameere should have been top priority to you because the people you fear to judge you are the same people you threw Justin into to be judged falsely!! I wish you both the best regardless 🙏