Shine Omukiga’s Keitesi Album Launch sells out


By Elijah Mutabuza


As we have always told you about what Kabale brought to us on this land, it brought talent, Oh My God!! i think now i am confusing you ok, i wanted just to first appreciate Kabale land and then tell you why i am here.

Okey, last night i happened to be in the land of milk and honey call it Mbarara(i see some Itesot is saying wapi, but it is true) and it was a night of excitement and showcase of different talents but notably singing. Ladies and Gentlemen, it was Keitesi Album Launch at The Heat Bar Mbarara as Shine Omukiga was the theme of the night.

It all went down as we saw the performances from different people including Mc Luzze of Wbs tv, Lillian, Gen Geon and many more. It was a night full of energy (the Kikiga way) and full of laughs (Dont ask me how, just know Anne Kansime was at the show) and above all, the crowds that could not be moved by a mere word.

It all went down as Shine Omukiga stormed the stage clad in all white with an eye catching necklace which i admired as well and she started it by simple tunes as she caught fire at last and we saw dancehall out of her as she got mad and thrilled the revelers. It was a night well spent.

Best Moments

The best moments of the show were many but i will sum the up in the following manner,

Anne Kansime performance. This was the best of all as no one was expecting her to be part of the show(although she is Shine’s sister) so as the Mc uttered Kansime name, we all thought he had started getting high on whatever he was taking and little did we know that it was a moment of laughs. and just like Ninjaz be,(you know Anne is a ninja) she bombarded us with her killer jokes and we laughed our lungs out and we later couldnt fail to thank the makers of Jameson Whiskey.

Ekitaguriro Cultural Dance. Huh, this was an epic moment where we came to see what really happens in Kabale when we are away. it was full of energy, joy and above all, moving although we missed enturire. Thank you Shine, some people like me got stories i will tell my grand children when they happen to meet me.

The Worst Moment.

This i was not supposed to talk about it due to time but because am conc sure even the orgnisers of the show were not happy about it, Mc Luzze’s getting drunk! Luzze was paid to talk on a microphone not to talk on a glass, so Mbarara booze over excited him and he opted to the later and abandoned his job. i wanted to seriously warn you Luzze because i know you will read this, but i will just instead call you at Enewsug offices and teach you how to perform your duties when you are paid to. Because you are a disgrace to the entire Emcee


In a wrap, the show was extra ordinary not only because of the fantastic performances, but also because of the huge crowds that showed up. We thank Shine and your management, tell them i will want a show like yours when i grow up and become a musician like you