Uganda Police’s silence on the murder of a transgender woman.

Noah Mathew who was murdered
Noah Mathew who was murdered

Uganda Police’s silence on the murder of a transgender woman.

Having been found lying lifeless in a pool of blood in a Kampala suburb on 11th July 2022, Noah Mathew Kinono identified as a 27-year-old whom his neighbours describe as a man living life as a woman lost his life under unknown circumstances The silence and inability of any neighbor being able to give information on what might have transpired leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

Uganda police division at Katwe police station last gave a sentiment on the 11th of July with scanty details with the murderers being suspected of having used a sharp knife around the neck and disappeared. The police promised to track them down but currently with no clear updates on the progress of the tracking. However, police reported to have recovered the murder weapon (knife) and Noah’s phone which had been taken for analysis. Given the homophobic atmosphere in the country, the story was unable to get main mainstream channels hence unable to get attention for Noah’s justice. Its been very few LGBTQ activists currently in exile such as Stella Nyanzi and Mutebi Edward in Germany who used their social media handles to write about the matter.

The homophobic responses on Stella Nyanzi’s post were terrific with some people commenting: “This is the best news in 2022 I have been looking for, you’re either born biological male or female. simple P 1 science. Tired of forcing this transgender bullshit on us, Weeding is the cutting away of unwanted grass in the garden.

Serugo George
Serugo George

Weeds are unwanted plants which grow with the crops, Since God didn’t create them, they’re not useful. They should not move around portraying that they were important. The world can exist without them.”The LGBTQ activists underscore their concern at the fact that the murderers and Uganda police have access to the deceased’s phone which information on the phone could be used to track down Noah’s friends in the LGBTQ community. The fear is based on the fact that police on several occasions through its intelligence has continued to track down LGBTQ shelters,,

Nayita Janat
Nayita Janat

Activists report that people no longer feel secure in shelters since those that were found in the shelters were tortured by police and many forced to seek refuge in neighboring countries after being released and in places far from Kampala. Through an organization working with minority groups rights, a source reports that people who were known to Noah are currently in danger and scared about the possibility of being tracked down.

Furthermore, police at Katwe is alleged to be looking for homosexual people who were found in Noah’s phone. “We are searching for a one Nayita Janat a nurse and is one of the homosexuals that recruited Noah into these acts and she was providing ARVs to these people, these acts are condemned in our society and recruitment of these young people into these acts is a big crime. Now imagine Noah had HIV because of homosexuality. Whoever sees or knows the where about of Janat Nayita, please report to nearby police station” one of the police officers speaks. Through the activists, our investigative team have been able to track down some people that lived with Noah in these shelters such as Saazi Daniel, Kawooya Marvin John, Semata Samuel, Brenda Eyotaru, Serugo George, Edward Kaweesi etc. currently residing in one of the neighboring countries have reported severe anxiety due to fear of their lives if Noah’s phone lands in unsafe hands.

The Uganda police needs to come out and share a report on the findings of the case or else the lives of many are still in danger.