10 Things Men like in Women More than Good Looks


The things men like in women often have nothing to do with looks, bra size or any of the standard things we think men fall for. Believe it or not,beautiful eyes and soft lips are not the only things that made him fall head over heels for you! Interested to learn more about those other things men like in women? Well, read carefully because every man would love to be with a woman who is…

1.A Good Listener
Most men appreciate women who are able to just listen – no “ I told you so” lines, no lectures, tips or comments regarding what you would do if you were in his place. You know… just sitting, listening (and I mean REALLY listening)… just showing that you care. Oh, and that involves being patient as well, understanding that most men need to “process” their problems before they can talk about them and learning to say, “Okay, baby, whenever you want to talk about it – I’m here for you.” and they’re much more likely to reciprocate.

Being able to “go with the flow” is one of the traits men like in women the most, and I must admit I’m still not nearly as spontaneous as my fiance would like me to be, although I’m working on it. Most of our men would never sing in front of us (professional singers excluded) but they just love to hear us sing (even if it sounds more like howling), they love to see us dance around the house.


Women who actually enjoy the things they do are more attractive, which means you should definitely stop whining about the things you DON’T have and start enjoying the things you DO! It’s not about being extremely #beautiful, having a good job, an impressive resume or whatnot – it’s about you being happy about who you are as a person, it’s about being positive, about knowing that you’re a great woman who deserves great things. And, believe me, it’s true that bad luck never travels alone, but the same can be said for good luck as well.


Our grandmas used to say that the only way to get to a man’s heart is through his #stomach – remember that one? Well, we have learned by now that’s not the only way, although it certainly is one of the ways and, if I may add, a very good one. Men love women who can cook and women who would be willing to learn to cook for them. That’s when that traditional part of the brain turns on to note the woman in question would be a good wife.

Although fake girls with their fake this, that and everything turn a lot of heads and probably get a lot of free drinks, most men have agreed they could never choose a girl like that for something more than just a casual romance. Whoa! What a coincidence – we feel the same way about fake guys! Which leads us back to that ideal, fun loving, girl next door all guys love – a girl who likes to smile and doesn’t care what others think of her smile (thin lips, teeth or whatever).

He really wants to know that you care for him but be careful, because repeating “I love you” until he can’t take it anymore isn’t a good way to let him know how you feel. An average man will tell you that he loves you once and show you how much he loves you five times. You should do the same. Baby him when he’s sick or tired, surprise him every once in a while, listen to his problems.

A sense of humor is also one of the things men like in women, especially in women they are planning to settle down with! Time to find your funny bone, ladies! Now, I wonder why is that so… are they planning to make a lot of jokes or do they just want to make sure we’re able to find positive or maybe even funny sides in the future events that aren’t guaranteed to be stress free and easy?

One of the best things men like in #women, a quality like no other, a virtue that no woman of today could live without – strength. You don’t have to lose your best damsel in distress act, in fact, you can even let him “save” you once in a while, but he has to know you’ll be there if things start to get ugly. He has to know that there is a strong rock he can grab for under that delicate butterfly facade of yours.

Ah, the motherly instinct is a definite must for most guys. He wants someone that will take care of him … and in turn, he will take care of you. Guys also want to know that whomever they choose to have a family with, their kids will be taken care of in the best possible way.Do you know of any other #things men like in women? Feel free to ask your #man, too!

Just because we like makeup doesn’t mean that we have to wear it all of the #time. A guy wants a girl that is going to be natural when it counts — such as going to the beach! A guy loves it when a girl doesn’t take two hours to #look perfect when, in his opinion, she is perfect no matter what. He wants a #girl that is so confident in herself, she doesn’t need anything but herself.