9 Gifts Guys Secretly Want For Valentine’s Day


This Sunday, it will be February 14th and world over, lovers have that date marked because it is a day dedicated to celebrating love. The history of Valentine’s Day, and the story of its patron saint, is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. The one thing we can all concur with is that February is a month of romance.

With this day fast approaching, men in relationships are fidgeting with how best to please their loved ones. In all this, men deserve gifts that show how much they’re loved just as much as women do.


Get him his best movies and watch with him

It seems an everyday thing but some guy intimated to us that he rarely watches a nice movie with his girl around, “She’ll ask a lot of questions yet I just want to sit and follow the plot. I would kill to have a day off where we can actually cuddle up and watch a movie like we want to watch it, not just stare at a screen fwaa!”

For this year’s V-day, please go to any movie library you fancy, pick a pack of his movies and cozy him up at home. And please, try to find out how best he wants to enjoy his movies, least you spoil the treat.

Give and receive with a pair of boxers

You might seem to think this is so basic. What you would ideally do is buy him boxers, throw them in his locker, and wait to get a “thank you honey”. Switch it up a little; buy him a nice pair of boxers and when you get home, watch him try them on. You will be surprised at the heat that shifts between you two love birds at that particular time.

Is he takes alcohol , get him his favorite brand

The idea behind gift giving is that the recipient finds the gift really useful and the giver a caring person. If your man is the type that enjoys Daxx Kartel’s Bbala with every line in it, and the type that has to drink a beer or two on a daily, please, accept him the way he is.

The best way you can show him you care this V-day is by getting him a case of his favorite beer and stock it up in the fridge at home. If he is into spirits, get him an expensive version of his drink. If he is a guy that takes Bond7, get him a bottle of any Johnnie Walker (Black, Red, Blue, or Green), if he takes Gilbeys, get him a Ciroc or something of that kind.

Hook your man up with a sleek leather wallet

Most guys don’t want to spend a ton of money on their wallets, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want a nice one. Switch up your man a little by replacing his crappy African craft wallet with a sleek leather wallet. You might have to invest a little more than you might expect but it is worth the effort.

Then,Good Sex

Try as much as to give him what you can call good sex,try all positions you think he likes,Just make sure you give him his best sex experience of the year.