A Message to all ladies by Elijah Mutabuza


by Elijah Mutabuza


Dear ladies

I want to take this chance to unveil to you what you never saw  or knew about what boys would do to you after you have done some things for them, i say;

Elijah shows you how a lady will over come all the disappointments of love, Love Doc
Elijah shows you how a lady will over come all the disappointments of love, Love Doc


1. Note that there are many guys out there who just want to use and dump you. Don’t just accept a guy because he is a fine boy. I know that some of you girls easily fall for handsome guys. The devil is also handsome. So be careful.

2. I also know that you ladies can easily be deceived with sweet words and sweet lies. You ought to be wise. Do not allow sweet words move you.  Don’t believe d guy’s sweet words until he proves it to you beyond reasonable doubt.

3. Be very careful if a guy says: “I love you, I cannot do without you”, “I will die for u”, “I Can’t survive without you”. Those words are not true. NO GUY CAN DIE FOR YOU IN THIS GENERATION. It is a fact, Don’t let anyone deceive you.

4. Don’t open your legs because he said he loves you. Don’t open your legs because he
gave you a ring. Don’t open your legs because he promises to marry you.

5. Respect your body. Your body is more precious than money. Don’t trade your body for money.
6. Use your brain to make money. Don’t use your boobs and sex organs to make money.
Use your hands and brains.
7. Dating and relationship is NOT because of sex. If he cannot wait till wedding night, let him go. God will provide a real man for you.
WITH ME OVER THIS, But I will keep
saying the truth to save innocent souls.

Yours Faithfully,
your lovely brother Elijah