Abryanz reveals more about this year’s ‘Dress to Inspire’ Fashion theme.


By Our writer

As the Abryanz brand’s CEO, Mr. Brian Ahumuza explains, the goal for 2016 is to inspire, motivate and encourage more young people, to not only get involved in the industry but build a strong chain and bond that can help push the industry forward.

We did catch up with him and he filled us in on what ASFA2016 has to offer and why it’s going to be all about  giving back  to society.

Tell us more about this year’s theme.

This year’s theme was something I chose, basing on the current events in my life.  I have been lucky enough to get a lot of both local and international recognition, because of my work. I even ended up on CNN’s African Voices,something i can never forget.

And I just felt it was only right that I  put more energy into creating opportunities for my fellow young people that would not only inspire but benefit them as well.

We want to inspire and motivate the youth through fashion and style. I want to use my personal story, to encourage others that want to make their lives better and meaningful.

Dress to Inspire,What’s behind this theme?

Like I mentioned earlier, this year’s theme will run in line with my personal life and story. I am a graduate of Social Works and Social administration. And it is my sole duty to give back to the community, in whichever way I see fit.

That is what we are going to be focusing on for most of the year, in preparation for the ASFA2016.

I want to use this gift of fashion, to motivate and empower, young people, especially those in tertiary and secondary institutions.

We are focusing mainly on these, because it’s at this point in one’s life that they begin building their career goals and ambitions.

We will be organizing media tours, and school tours across the country, and I will have some very influential individuals along on these tours. We are going to collaborate with some of the most influential and successful individuals in fashion in Uganda and across the continent. These will share their stories, with the young people that we will be interacting with on these tours.

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Any Special plans for ASFA 2016?

We only have one goal; to make the awards bigger and better.

For anyone that has been keen on the ASFA from 3 years ago, we have always aimed to outdo ourselves each year.

If you thought ASFA2015 was a show stopper, triple that. 2016 is going to be blazing.

While our guest list last year focused a lot on the entertainment and showbiz industry, this year, we are looking to have more fashion magnets, from within Uganda and across the world.

These will include a lot of the personalities that will have joined us  from the school tours. These, of course will include anyone from Fashion Designers, Super models, Fashionistas, Bloggers, and many others.
