Abryanz sets date for the Abryanz Fashion Awards 2016

Princess Bagaya and Abryanz at last year's Awards

By Waiswa Brian

Finally, Fashion icon Brian Ahumuza has released the date for the much anticipated fashion Awards on the African continent. With a close source having revealed that he is in negotiations to book either American star ‘Ciara’ or Britain rapper Tinie Tempah for the Awards, all roads will be leading to Serena Hotel, Kampala on 9th December 2016.

Other gossip news is that Sylvia Nagginda who is the current Nnabagereka or Queen of Buganda, a historic kingdom in modern-day Uganda, might grace the Abryanz Fashion and Style Awards in December at Serena Hotel. Our reporter over heard Abryanz and Kim Swagga discussing about a possibility of having her at the event as a guest just like last year when Princess Elizabeth Christobel Edith Bagaaya Akiiki attended as the chief guest.

During last year’s Awards that were held at Kampala Serena Hotel, Abraynz successfully flied in Nigeria’s Banky W, Kenya’s Sauti Sol and various former Big Brother Housemates who included the winner Edris from Tanzania, making them the biggest award event around the East African region.