Am still at NTV- Douglas Lwanga clears the air


 By Waiswa Brian


Many of Douglas Lwanga’s fans were worried about his time at NTV Uganda elapsing soon, as NBS TV has snatched almost every good Presenter from the Serena based station. And rumor has been circulating around that the Kamwokya based television station NBS maybe also re-branding it’s Entertainment programs thus seeing The Beat Presenter as the possible solution for more views and popularity at the Kamwokya based media house.

But when I contacted Douglas himself, he had this to say “I respect my bosses and fans, so be still as my contract at NTV is still running and am happy that you  Enewsug guys asked first before writing. Thanks”

He went further on to caution those that have been circulating the rumor to stop it with immediate effect as it is meant to disablise his fans and later thanked all his fans for having being there for him and promised a lot along your way. Remember the Purple party is on in December get your purple outfit ready for the year’s event.