Am with you till the end Mr.President – Bebe Cool


By Waiswa Brian

Yesterday night President Museveni organized a dinner for all media personalities,artistes and all entertainers in their various categories though no one knows the criteria that was used to select them. The team was led by Gagamel CEO Bebe Cool who has way back supported President Museveni even when his own father had contested against him,among the artistes included Jose Chameleone,King Saha,Mun g,Julian Kanyomozi,Iryn Namubiru,Pallaso,Weasel,Rema etc . Bebe Cool during his speech at the Tubonga Nawe video premier,he was quoted “I will crash anyone against you Mr.President

Today morning Bebe Cool posted on his Facebook page praising the NRM Government.

I want to thank all musicians,comedians, actors and actresses,radio and TV personalities,members of the press for the time they put in yesterday during the unveiling of the TUBONGA NAWE song.
One may wonder why TUBONGA NAWE.
The entertainment sector joined hands this time around to execute appreciation towards what is visible to our fellow Ugandans,the development of the entertainment industry of Uganda.This has been mainly because the present government(NRM) has put an environment that has favored several businesses to grow.
Yesterday a musician/comedian was not a person to respect by our community but if u look today,we r totally respected in all aspects.There has been major growth of our sector in the last 25 years that we today compete beyond borders representing our country and carrying our flag high with pride.
Jobs have been created and many Ugandan youths have individually earned a permanent living.Our industry is now a major channel through which the government can earn taxes if it is organized and protected even more.
We as the entertainment sector organized this dinner to thank HE the president of Uganda YOWERI KAGUTA M– USEVENI for the contribution he has done to our country and to reassure him our support come 2016 campaigns. You may not have seen that specific artist u support during the function but not everyone one could be able to make it but all were represented faithfully.
Just like hotels,taxi drivers, business men,bodaboda men,farmers, teachers,doctors etc have for a long time invited and had meetings with HE,it was high time our fraternity did the same.
In my language Luganda they say,ENTASIMA EBULA AGIWA.
If u wanna be rich,dine with the rich
If u wanna be successful,dine with the successful
As they say birds of the same feathers………
And lastly they say if u can’t beat them,……..
And don’t forget u reap what u ……..
Remember musicians r Ugandans n they too have a right to choose a political side and vote too.
Thank you your excellence YOWERI KAGUTA M– USEVENI and first lady mama JANET M– USEVENI for accepting our invitation.