Ann Kansiime reveals about her love for fashion


By Sean Musa Carter

Ugandan top female comedian and flag bearer Anne Kansiime decided to spill some of her little fashion tips and revealed why she always looks elegant and smart. Most people always laugh by just mere hearing the name Kansiime cause the hilarious part of her ends up running in their minds but actually no one had ever considered to ask themselves why she appears so smart and elegant. When asked whether she has got a personal designer or a fashion house dressing her up, kansiime revealed that yes she’s some times dressed up by a fashion house called ATTRACTIONS but still most of the time she goes for her own wardrobe cause she finds it better for her to dress in what makes her comfortable and at the same time elegant.

I can never wear an attire which leaves me uncomfortable no matter ho stylish or trending it might be” said Anne.

Well,hope we get something from kansiime’s fashion comfort.