Bebe Cool would be a good lawyer – Joel Isabirye


By Waiswa Brian

After an entire week of cold war fights between the public and the 12 (Disciples) artistes who featured in the ‘Tubonga Nawe’ song, NTV’s Douglas Lwanga decided to settle this once and for all as he invited Bebe Cool and Chameleone as heads of the Tubonga Nawe project to help explain to the public about what their intentions where and why they had to take such a risky decision.

However, Bebe Cool took the limelight when he cleared expressed himself to the public as quoted as to why he took that decision way back in 2011, “There is a difference between good, better and best,Uganda may not be where it should but appreciate its in a better place than yesterday though the government has failed at some sectors we should rally behind and support it rather than criticising everything it has achieved and most of our artistes are uneducated. The invitation card reads dinner and you want to talk about copyright”

Here is a small quote about what media guru Joel Isabirye had to say about Bebe Cool “i think bebe cool should have also become a lawyer.he argued his decision to support President Yoweri Museveni well on Ntv with douglas. Perhaps the climax for me was when he said that he doesn’t only have a right to support but he also has the right reasons.such articulation quite simple yet loaded with discourse is common among high profile reggae artistes a category in which he belongs.those reggae guys can articulate from the pedestal of a consciousness…i spent years thinking about how reggae artistes crafted lyrics…in relation to the same the issue of human rights is sometimes presented in an abstract form (as a fact of the books) yet what i derive and agree with from what Bebe cool is saying is that we need to understand rights in context-from a practical perspective.