Bobi Wine thrills fans at Wandegeya traffic lights


By Elijah Mutabuza

It seems the ghetto Gladiator, self proclaimed Ghetto President Kyagulanyi Sentamu aka Bobi Wine can not stop making his fans happy. Today he staged a ‘show like’ event at Wandegeya traffic lights when he used an advantage of the traffic jam and increased his car speakers volume (and this guy brags having some of the best car subwoofers one can equip a car with) as his Kiggwa Leero song was played high.

This pulled crowds to come over to his car and enjoy free singing from the Ghetto President. In a short time the Traffic police officers were enticed to intervene since this thing Bobi Wine did was causing more havoc as traffic jam kept pilling instead.

Bobi Wine you did good to entertain your fans, but it was at a wrong time and in a wrong place!! COME SATURDAY LETS ALL GO AND SUPPORT THE GHETTO PRESIDENT AT BUSABALA