Bobi Wine, Uganda Police among the top fundraisers as Express FC collects Millions. See list


By staff writer

Express FC’s new chairperson Nakiwala Kiyingi led the way as the team organized a fundraising at Wankulukuku stadium that saw fans fill up the venue than before. Among the top names in attendance were; FUFA president Moses Magogo, Vipers SC owner Lawrence Mulindwa, Comedian turned Politician, Rubaga MP Kato Lubwama plus Lt General Henry Tumukunde.

With pledges made, the total went to 112Million as singer Bobi Wine gave out 5.1 Million.

List of Key Fundraisers;

Uganda Police – 30M

Lawrence Mulindwa – 10M

Beti Kamya – 5M

Kato Lubwama – 5M

Jack Pemba – 5M

Nakiwala Kiyinji – 10M

FUFA – 10M

Bobi Wine – 5.1M

Ntalazi -5M

Ndaura Amanya – 2M

Omara Apita – 5M

Moses Magogo – 3M

Henry Tumukunde – 5M