Bryan Mckenzie names his top 8 greatest Ugandan Female Radio presenters


By EnewsUG team

These women are and have been strong voices on air for women across Uganda, they have held strong opinions and never afraid to say what they had on their mind. There is a new crew of female presenters that are doing a good job today and credit has to go to the above for opening those doors. A wonderful day to celebrate Women’s day with the rest of the World. Radio City’s Bryan Mckenzie has revealed his top 8 greatest and inspiring Female radio Presenters that have ever been on Ugandan air waves.

Bryan Mckenzie listed them as quoted below;

-Angela Crystal Newman Kavulu (Sanyu Fm)

-Christine Mawadri (Capital Fm)

-Aisha Alibhai (Capital Fm & KFM)

-Karitas Karisimbi (Capital Fm & Radiocity)

-Seanice Lojede (Sanyu fm)

-Juliana Kanyomozi (Capital Fm)

-Angella Kalule (Sanyu Fm)

-Melanie (Sanyu Fm)

Do you agree with his list??,Should we conclude that there is no Luganda female radio personality better than those mentioned above.