Businessman Basajjabalaba in fresh trouble again


By Caroline Namanda


Businessman Hassan Basajjabalaba and the proprietor of Kampala International University(KIU) has been summoned by the Commercial court over a debt of shown arising from the furniture he acquired from Nina Interiors on 31st October 2014.

Nina Interiors through their lawyers Shwekyerera, Kaleranda Co Advocates filed a lawsuit and the court gave a 15 day ultimatum to Basajjabalaba to file a defense man against the allegations. It is alleged that the businessman approached the interior designers and asked them to supply him with items including tables,sofas,wall hangings,beds,pillows and mattresses amounting to sh61.3 million shillings inclusive of Value Added Tax.

The items were delivered at his place and he promised to pay after getting the tax invoice. However, after getting the invoice, he refused to pay. The company even used the services of debt collectors but the businessman adamantly refused to pay and remained defiant to all the attempts done by Nina Interiors to get their money.