Busoga Kingdom partners up with MTN to open new ICT Library.

Busoga Prime Minister Muvawala Joseph cuts the tape

By Waiswa Brian

Yesterday MTN Uganda under their 21 days of care, gave the Busoga Kingdom 20 computers to help boost ICT skills of scholars in the Busoga community. The newly renovated Alice Muloki Library is now open to all residents and students around the community after MTN Uganda went on to offer free internet on top of buying the Busoga certificates worth 200,000 UGX.
The computers were received by the ICT and youth minister Hashim Suleiman at the event that was presided over by the Busoga Prime Minister Joseph Muvawala. “The world is now online these days, it wont be easy for anyone to get a job without any computer skills. In this era of Kyabazinga Gabula Nadiope William IV, he urges the youth to join the dot.com world. These services are free to everyone, all you have to do is come once a week and make sure you leave after learning something new. To all neighbouring schools around, make use of these computers for your own good that’s if you don’t have them”, Prime Minister Muvawala was quoted.

The Busoga finance minister Mr. Kirya Ivan at the closure of the event announced 1.2 Million as the money got from selling the certificates at the colorful kingdom event that was attended by the Bugembe Mayor Mr Watte andb55 b5 b6 b33 b44 b45 numerous schools around Jinja district.


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