Calvin Da Entertainer talks about his 8years on TV


by Lubz kenny and Waiswa Brian


Qn Its eight years now and you into television, congratulations, what inspired you to start?
Mitch Egwang inspired me to join TV but most importantly I have always believed that I can do something I loved and make it big on any platform
Qn Have you ever felt like quitting?
No TV is my passion matter of fact I didn’t earn a salary for the first eight months of work but would still go to learn and get better
Qn What has been your biggest challenge for the last eight years?
Biggest challenge has been me because I always want to be better than I was yesterday
Qn Who are your role models?
 Mitch Egwang, Bbale Francis {RIP},j Kazoora are my role models
Qn Talk about Ugandan entertainment, especially music do you see it going anywhere or we stagnant no progress?
Uganda industry is blossoming because every year we have new talent unveiled and a few artistes have kept reinventing themselves for example Dr Jose Chameleon and Bebe Cool thus moving with the times and those who got comfortable have stayed irrelevant and stagnant

Qn Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
In the next five years I want to be better and more successful

Qn What keeps you moving as a person?
Having a positive attitude towards life and challenges keeps me going

Qn Any last words to the young people out there that get inspired by you and want to become TV presenters?
Young people should know that even the great ones started from somewhere so they should start chasing those dreams now

Qn Any big achievements in your TV Career so far?
I achieved Quite a lot but will talk about that when I retire…Still have a lot to accomplish though

Qn Are you married?
Am engaged,getting married soon .

Qn do you have any kids as yet?

no kids as yet