Confused ‘Pastor Bugembe’ airs his thoughts about Museveni and Bobi Wine


By staff writer

Senior Bachelor and Pastor, Wilson Bugembe said that they have come from a long way with Bobi Wine but he has his reasons as to why he supports Museveni.

The youthful pastor made these remarks while appearing on NBS Television’s ‘Akatebe’ which airs every Monday during the NBS TV Amasengejje.

I support Museveni because he has given us a lot of freedom as born again Christians. I actually reached a point when I was stuck because I loved Bobi Wine so much but I also supported Museveni. What I did was to tell Bobi Wine the truth that I love him but Museveni is my President,” Bugembe said.

Bugembe added that what makes Bobi Wine more than just a brother to him is that he(Bobi) was able to understand Bugembe’s decision and loved him even more.

Bugembe asked the government to stop making it seem like a war each time celebrities put their political differences aside and choose to work together.

On whether he will vote for Bobi Wine in 2021, Bugembe said that the beauty of the ballot paper is that its secret so know one will know about his decision.