David Lutalo Award Party at Da Boss Kansanga a success


by Elijah Mutabuza Ssalongo



After his long awaited show dubbed Gyenvudde wa David Lutalo at Da Boss Bar Kansanga, David Lutalo was overwhelmed by the massive turn up of masses as they were ready to support him in good and bad.

The show was scheduled for yesterday the 26th September which started at around 8pm and left some people wondering where Lutalo gets magic from to pull such crowds. One reveler was over heard saying ”Akasajja ka Lutalo kalina amanyi agatali gabulijjo” meaning Lutalo has got extra ordinary powers, explaining how the show was massive.

Lutalo had to kneel down and thank his fans for the best support, ”I want to thank everyone who has made it, the weather is cold but you decided to com and see me perform,God is great and you also great my fans” Lutalo was quoted saying.