By Nsiiro Jacob
The prestigious award show in its eleventh year is aimed at highlighting Nigerians who consistently make an impact on their immediate communities and beyond but this time round guess who scooped a nomination yet they are ugandans DjRoja and DjSlickstuart Placed in the African(Non Nigerian) Disc Jockey with other african Djs like; DJ Lebbie (SL) DJ Bossman (LIB) DJ Mensah (GH) DJ Joe Mfalme (KQ) DJ Slick Stuart & Roja (UG) DJ Vyrusky (GH).
Commonly known to Ugandans with their mixtapes party organised annually for the last 2 years, mutuwulira featuring Apass and ‘walk to work’ featuring Nutty Neithan the duo has proved to be undisputed with their different projects they initiate. Djs in Uganda are averagely respected, now that its the Djs that are to carry the Ugandan flag in the Nigerian entertainment Awards. Earlier on this year,the dynamic deejay duo acquired the services of the industry’s best female manager Nisha and results have so far paid off this with a Buzz Award on top of this continental nomination. We are are so happy for them and wish them all the best.