Fashion Icon Santa Anzo raises Uganda’s flag in USA


By Staff writer

Uganda’s veteran Fashion Icon Santa Anzo achieved yet another milestone as she managed to raise Uganda’s flag while in US. The fashionista was among the 15 representatives from Africa that managed to meet and exchange ideas with US top political senators.

Santa Anzo was quoted; “Friends l am honored to be among the select 5, chosen out of 15 African representatives to meet one on one with US Senators this morning. After a successful welcome reception at which we were introduced to the Senators, Congressmen, Ambassadors & several VVIP We were briefed by the President of the Summit that normally these are meetings at which Members of Parliament from our respective countries engage with the Senators, however this morning it is us; business persons and Uganda in particular will be represented by a fashion designer-the chief Designer of-ARAPAPA by Santa Anzo.I am honored and, shall step in these very big shoes with humility.Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.