“FDC uses force,We use our brains”,Bebe Cool explains


By Waiswa Brian

Everyday things are getting hot between FDC officials and ‘Tubonga Nawe” artistes who came out to openly support Incumbent President Museveni. On Monday,top FDC officials led by Ssemujju Nganda came out and issued a statement to the public to boycott all music concerts of artistes who featured and campaigned for  President Museveni. This has not been well as artistes Radio and Bebe Cool have come out to reply FDC by what they called ‘ridiculous’ testaments from them.

 In a Video interview by NTV’s Rwamiti,Bebe Cool is quoted; “What have artistes done,don’t we have a right to support someone we like,Yes they can go on and tell fans to boycott our music concerts but trust me on my side i wont be affected,If i can sale out 50 tables at Serena with each being at 5 Million,to me that’s enough rather than having 8000 people at Kyadondo with each paying 10,000 UGX. How come they are not telling them to boycott ‘Boda Boda’ cyclists who always followed the president around on his campaign trails,how come they have not told them to boycott products made by companies of businessmen who sponsor almost all political parties in the campaigns. Let FDC stop using force on everything with their defiance theory,It’s high time they all use their brains to think about their action statements”