The first ever children’s Banking day is on this Saturday at Village mall


By our writer

The event started five years ago, with an aim of entertaining kids “My kid is a super star” has grown to become one of the most respected and competent companies in the country.

From organizing talent shows/competitions and taking the winners on an all expenses paid trip to Disney land in the USA,parents and kids have been very supportive and appreciated their services.

Three years ago,they partnered with “little hands go green” and started tours to various schools,talking about environmental issues and encouraging kids to plant trees.Super Star kid event at kololo grounds now, attracts ten of thousands of kids with President Museveni ,gracing the event twice.

This year, super star kids,have gone a step further by partnering with Standard Chartered Bank to organised the first ever Children’s Banking day due on Saturday ,30th July 2016 at the Village mall Bugolobi starting at 9am.

The company CEO Mr.Joseph Masembe said” we want the kids to learn about saving money while still young.We shall also give lucky winners free tickets, to the super kid event at kololo on the 11th September 2016.”