GOSSIP: Queen Slyvia Nagginda to be the chief guest at Abryanz Fashion Awards

Nnabagereka Slyvia Nagginda

By our reporter

Gossip news reaching our desks, is that Sylvia Nagginda who is the current Nnabagereka or Queen of Buganda, a historic kingdom in modern-day Uganda, might grace the Abryanz Fashion and Style Awards in December at Serena Hotel. Our reporter over heard Abryanz and Kim Swagga discussing about a possibility of having her at the event as a guest just like last year when Princess Elizabeth Christobel Edith Bagaaya Akiiki attended as the chief guest.

The Nnabagereka who places special emphasis on the education of girls, is a well known fashionista around the world after making headlines in 2012 when she appeared on the cover page of ‘Vogue Italia’. The Nnabagereka is very cautious about the cultural values that make a good mother or woman in Buganda, but stresses that these should be handled in such a way that girls are not denied any opportunity in education.

We shall keep you posted in case of any latest development on this story.

Princess Bagaya and Abryanz at last year's Awards
Princess Bagaya and Abryanz at last year’s Awards