Hajjati Namyalo preaches Gov’t programs as Mityana endorses Museveni for 2026


Thousands of Ugandans Saturday converged at Mayor’s Gardens in Mityana District as the Senior Coordinator in the Office of the National Chairman Hajjat Hadijah Uzeiye Namyalo Uzeiye launched the #JajjaOmalako #TovaKuMain2026 campaign as supporters of the ruling NRM party endorsed President Museveni’s candidature for the 2026 elections.

Hajjat Namyalo who is also the Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs (SPA) arrived Saturday afternoon in the company of several ONC coordinators from across the country as she waved amidst wild cheers from thousands of supporters present, together with other political leaders from Mityana.

“Much as there are programs of PDM and Emyooga, several people are left out and this program comes in to bridge that gap,” said Hadijah Namyalo after some peasants narrated their disgruntlement in the government programs of Emyooga and PDM for inclusion.

She assured the people of Mityana that President Museveni and the entire government are committed to improving the lives of the people through different development programs.

ONC boss and Special Advisor, Hajjati Namyalo further rallied the residents not to tire of trying all avenues to generate income and restored hope in them that, arming with “Ekibaalo” is President Museveni’s proven approach to making Ugandans rich.

She implored the overwhelmingly excited multitude to shun opportunistic politicians and actively listen to Jajja – President Museveni’s guidance about solving the current challenge of merge or zero household income facing Buganda Subregion.

The #TovaKuMain2026 campaign gained momentum after being launched in October last year (2022) to champion the endorsement of President Museveni’s candidature for the 2026 general elections and beyond as the Head of State.

Under the leadership of Hajjat Namyalo, the ONC has already launched the TovaKuMain2026 in several districts including Mbale, Masaka, Bukomansimbi, Kalangala, Namutumba, and Jinja among others and now Mityana with others yet to come on her long list as she moves to converse support for her boss’s next term of office.