Hajji Moses Kigongo not willing to let NTV presenter Faridah Nakazibwe go


By Nsiiro Jacob

NTV presenter Faridah Nakazibwe may have ended her flame with NRM vice chairman, Hajji Moses Kigongo, but he’s not willing to let go.

The latest rumor reaching our desk indicates that, Kigongo is desperate to rekindle with Faridah. We can confirm.

Kigongo is reportedly doing everything in his power to lure Faridah back to his bed according to a source.

“He has been sending endless texts apologizing and begging to be given a second chance although Faridah is ignoring him.

“He even negotiated a face to face meeting with Faridah, through her best friend. The two recently met at Massa courts where Kigongo pleaded on his knees and promised to bring heaven on earth if only she accepted him back.”

It was earlier reported that Faridah had moved on for good after finding new romance in one, Omar Ssali, a doctor by profession. On learning this, Kigongo is said to have gotten so heart broken that he summoned Faridah for a private talk. “He had never thought that Faridah would move on so fast. He was only giving her a break but was optimistic that she would return on her own because he thinks she loves his money and can never walk away.” an insider tells us.

During the meeting which lasted about an hour, Faridah is said to have refused Kigongo’s pleas although she left saying she would think about it.