Highlights at the ‘Hindu Asha Charity Concert’


By Waiswa Brian

Despite having set the same concert dates with top acts like Comedian Salvador’s Africa Laughs, Geofrey Lutaaya’s Tuli Luno and Iryn Ntale’s Sembera concert, Busoga born singer Hindu Asha also managed to get a fair crowd at her first career concert that was staged at theater la Bonita last Friday.

By 8PM, half of her crowd had already occupied their seats as Singers Gravity, Maro took on the stage as curtain raisers. At exactly 9PM, singer Sophie Natongo stepped on stage as the crowd sang along her song ‘Amagwa’ and so many. With Delta TV’s Jonathan Jaxta and Herbie Kay as the night’s MCs, Hindu Asha who was in a short purple dress stepped on at 10PM as she took the fans through her journey with music.

Delta TV manager, Richard was among the many who purchased the singer’s music album as he gave out 200,000 UGX for a copy.

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