“I wont stop imitating Tamale Mirundi, its my job”, Comedian Kafeero vows on


By Male Ronald

Meanwhile we managed to talk to Innocent Kafero who also vowed not to stop imitating Tamale Mirundi because it’s part of his job and that’s how he earns a living.

Innocent kafeero Tobi alias Mirundi, a radio presenter who doubles as well as a comedian, has for a long time been imitating presidential advisor Tamale Mirundi through his programs on radio Simba and other comedy shows such as comedy files ,Akandolindoli to mention but a few. However, he was yet to taste the wrath of this presidential advisor who was still silent about it not until last week on Thursday when he angrily forced himself into the offices of Radio Simba and vowed to shoot Kafeero if at all he doesn’t stop imitating him.

 “Do you know who you dealing with? Am a son of john Mirundi i don’t tolerate nonsense. I will pump some brains into your heads if at all their empty, I want you to tell Kafeero to find something else meaningful to do so that he stops imitating me or else I will shoot him”. He said while pointing at his pistol in his waist in the office of Mr.Okello Emma the news editor at Simba radio station.