INTERVIEW: Singer Maro talks about his new studio


By ENewsUG team

Tomorrow, singer Maro will be officially opening up his new ‘Volume up’ studios. Our snoop caught up with him for a chat as he was rehearsing ahead of next week’s ‘Live Experience’ show at Laftaz;

How did you come up with the idea of setting up your own studio?

I am a musician and being with an investment in the same line of business I do was easier for me to think of it when it comes to managing one. It will make money for me and will be a way of helping my fellow rising stars who always frequent my Inbox on social media for such.

How much did you invest to set up this studio ?

Can not really breakdown for you but just know it is worth a Brand New car straight from Bond.

Do you have a ready producer or you will be working with every Producer ?

I have acquired the services of Zuli Tums (Semogerere Samuel), he produced “Addicted” featuring Iryn Namubiru. And then also D Mario

Your studio will only record music, or there is something else ?

We do Audio production ( Tracking, Mixing and Mastering), Commercials too (voice overs, jingles) We also offer Vocal training and songwriting. All these packages range from 500,000 (for studio time) to 2Million for a package of 3 mentioned above.