Kabs set to ‘Red Carpet’ Host the W.A Fashion Awards 2016 in Nigeria


By Waiswa Brian

A good year so far for Urban TV’s Red Carpet host Kabs Haloha,with an early booking to host an international event in London,the young TV star has also been booked already to represent Uganda,East Africa as the the Official Red Carpet Host of the West Africa Fashion Awards 2016 in Nigeria. The Event that is scheduled on 26th March this year in Lagos,Nigeria will attract all Fashion Icons in the west African countries.

Am not only hosting but covering the event as it will be shown across Africa in Nigeria,Rwanda,South Africa and home (Uganda) too.Am only a host,not among the nominees because am from East Africa. I know you want to know the financial details of his deal,just know i couldn’t resist it that’s all i can tell you” he was quoted.