Kamboyine press conference is on


by Waiswa Brian


Ronald Maro a. k.a Maro’s press conference for his Kamboyine concert slated for 26th of this Month is on tomorrow Friday 18 September at Laftz Centenary park and as a way of reminding his fans, this is what he had to say on his Instagram

“Hello fans and family, I thank you very much for the support you show me! The love you show me, I give back by continuing with what you love me for, I swear never to stop! I want to say I will reward you this Month next week on Saturday 26th of September in Jinja at Kamboyine concert”

Come tomorrow Friday at exactly 10am Maro is to hold a press conference to tell the press how he has prepared and what fans should expect at the concert.

Let’s all support the R’nB Kyabazinga.