Lillan Mbabazi reveals her favorite Radio & Weasel songs


By staff

Though she might have broke up with Radio,that doesn’t clear away the fact that she is still a fan of her ex-fiance Moze Radio and father to her two kids. Radio wrote ‘Danger’ for Lillian and also helped her re-done the cover song of ‘Dagala’.

While appearing on an interview on Radio City’s hosted by Bryan Mckenzie some few weeks back, Lillian was tasked to reveal her 3 favorite Radio & Weasel songs. “I go with Talk’n’Talk,Obudde then i liked breath away too“. she revealed.

Rumor has it that Lillian Mbabazi might make a maiden appearance at the Radio & Weasel’s  ‘Mwana wa’Bandi’ concert that is to be held at Hotel Africana this May.