Maro’s closeness to Iryn Namubiru worries fiance


By staff writer

Latest news coming in has it that Maro’s irish fiance is having sleepless nights about Maro’s closeness to vocal bird Iryn Namubiru. Sources reveal that trouble started with the picture scenes in their new song ‘Addicted’ that was premiered last week at KFM,something that made her to go and wait for fiance ‘Maro’ as they were shooting the video for their new song. Much aware of Iryn Namubiru’s antics near young and good looking men like singer Maro, his Irish fiance couldn’t take any risk but be around the ‘Kamboyine’ hit maker. The ‘Addicted’ video will be released in April as revealed by Maro’s manager Unik Juvenile.

Singer Iryn Namubiru is currently a single mother after abandoning the sick NTV’s Gabriel Epenu who was involved in an accident 2 years back.