Mary Bata parts ways with Haruna Mubiru,joins Ziza Bafana


By: Sean Musa Carter

Cream production’s ‘Just a hug’ star Mary Bata decided to call it quits with band boss and singer Haruna Mubiru after the two having a huge fight about money and respect.

Mary accuses the ‘Kitooke’ singer of not paying her for the gigs she performs on including her own debut album she held recently at theater Labonita. She claims that even after a successful deal with Bajo events,still Haruna refused to pay her and always keeps on abusing her and claiming that she’s who she is because of him. “I could stand all that but I could take it no more when Haruna actually paid people to smash my car in kasangati just because some artists didn’t come for the show” said Mary Bata.

Currently she is being signed to Magic Town,the same record label that Ziza Bafana is signed onto.