MUK Student stabbed to death by relative


By Our reporter
Makerere  Journalism and communication students
are still in  shock after the sad news about the death of their course mate Esther Nakitende who was a third year student
and an executive member of the Makerere University Journalism and Communication Association (MUJCA).
Nakitende is believed to have been raped before being stabbed to death on Saturday night by her cousin (Buule Robinson) who was demanding that she gives him the rent 
collection she had just received from a tenant.
In her early twenties, Nakitende who was living with her relatives had just received UGX 180,000 from one of the clients and
was at home alone when the tragedy happened. The relatives (including her sister) on return found when the door was locked and believed that she was asleep. “When her phones went unanswered and she was not responding, the door was broken and Esther was found lying dead inside her bedroom covered in a
pool of blood”, narrated a close friend to the deceased. According to reports, it is said that Buule once forced having an affair with Nakitende which did not materialize and was chased away from home to which he vowed that if he was to leave, Nakitende
should also leave. “He disappeared for a long time and came
back. We thought he had given up on his ill intentions. He had been behaving well after his return”, said a close relative who
tearfully tried to narrate the fateful day. She was home alone with Robinson (Buule). It is possible that she was watching television in the sitting room.
Because Robinson had been around, he might have demanded for the rent money which Esther rejected. She went to her bedroom or might have been dragged to the bedroom leaving her
phone in the sitting room. A scuffle ensured but Robinson proved stronger and stabbed Esther on the head which split her skull and caused excess bleeding. Esther died holding a one thousand shilling note. His (Buule’s) clothes were found besides the corpse.
Fellow students joined the bereaved family to mourn the deceased.

Fare thee well Esther!